Participant Details


Participant Information

Drama Camp Week ~ September 23rd – 28th, 2024

Week Schedule
Costume Requirements
Fight Instruction Videos
Cast Lists
Sign Up List


Welcome to Drama Camp! It is a privilege to bring you another powerful drama experience this year. We have been praying for you in the hope that you will have a treasured experience with much growth. Please familiarize yourself with the following information and refer back as needed.

Woodburn Missionary Church
5108 Bull Rapids Road
Woodburn, IN 46797

Woodburn Missionary Church has graciously allowed our homeschoolers to use their facility for the purpose of conducting this drama camp. Please do NOT contact the church with questions. Avoid wandering throughout the building. As always, treat the furnishings and all equipment with respect.  Go out of your way to pick up after yourself and others. Let’s show our appreciation in any way possible.

After the high school performance on Saturday, all students are expected to stay and assist in resetting the facility to Sunday morning program readiness and in packing up The Academy of Arts equipment, props, costumes, etc. Only as these tasks are finished and after coordinator approval will students be allowed to leave. Please do NOT schedule activities for after the Saturday performance as this will only stress everyone. The more hands we have, the quicker the job is accomplished.

Each family must have a waiver form on file. Click here to access the form and bring with you to auditions.

Attendance is mandatory at all sessions – all day, every day; therefore, clear your week of anything that conflicts with the schedule during drama camp week. Experience would also advise that you cancel all other school related activities during those days even if they do not conflict with these times listed. Students are exhausted after putting in long days on stage. If attendance issues arise during the week, please let the coordinator know as well as the Academy director so we know how best to handle it.

In addition, we will attempt to have one or two practice sessions between auditions and the drama camp week. These will be coordinated after parts are assigned. These are not mandatory but very helpful.  Focus for these practice sessions will be music/song practices for the elementary production and major characters for the high school production. Click here to download the song sheets as a pdf or tracks in m4a format.

Parent Involvement
Though parents are not required to remain on site during camp, many hands are needed to make the week run smoothly. These opportunities include bringing meals for the Academy of Arts, organizing the high school pizza dinner, staying to supervise during camp week, and supervising light cleaning after each camp day. In addition, many consumable items such as snacks for the Academy team, office supplies, and other miscellaneous items are needed for the week. As homeschoolers, we all understand the crucial importance of everyone pitching in to create great experiences for our kids. Please click here for a link to sign up for items and opportunities to serve. If everyone volunteers for two or three things, we should be covered! Thank you!

What to Bring

ALL Students

  • A humble spirit.  You will quickly understand how important this is.
  • SCRIPT ~ Your Script (and song book) with name in ink on the upper right corner. These will only be needed the first couple days.  After that, you should have no need of them.
  • ALL LINES AND CUES MEMORIZED by Monday morning.
  • LABEL ~ Please label anything and everything you bring.  Label. Label! LABEL!

      ELEMENTARY Students

  • SNACK for mid-morning including a drink. Please do not bring candy or other high sugar treats. There will be no refrigeration available, but you may bring a small cooler.


  • Brown bag LUNCH (Monday-Friday).  You may also bring a SNACK, if desired; however, food must be consumed only in the designated area. No refrigeration will be available, but you may bring a small cooler.
  • On Thursday we will be serving a pizza dinner between class time and dress rehearsal so there is no need to bring dinner.
  • Only water bottles are acceptable in practice areas.
  • Saturday ~ It is suggested that you eat a hearty breakfast before coming at 9:00 am, and then bring a light lunch or snack for later.
  • No students will be allowed to leave the facility during any meal breaks during the week.
  • A book or quiet game with which you may keep busy during the times you are not rehearsing. You may have more down time one day and none another.  Please be prepared, but be flexible. Feel free to bring school work, but do not put yourself in a ‘must do’ situation.
  • Cameras are welcome. We love to put many pictures together at the end of the week.

What to Wear
All clothing must be modest and appropriate. Be thoughtful of your ‘weaker brother’, not yourself. The Academy of Arts staff will be dressed in professional attire. Knowing we do our best work when we are dressed well, please dress to do your very best.

Currently, we plan to videotape the performances so we can make a copy available to each family. During the performances, there must be NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY! We will have several photographers taking pictures throughout the performance.  These pictures will be shared with the families and available for download for personal use.

Younger Siblings
We are not staffed to provide babysitting during the camp or the performances. Please understand that we cannot allow a restless or undisciplined child to disrupt the learning for others. It is also crucial that no children be unattended at any given time. If an elementary child must stay through the afternoon due to transportation issues, you must make prior arrangements for an adult to be responsible for your child. If a parent is supervising students during the day, please make arrangements to sufficiently occupy younger children.

Email ~ Please continue to check your email DAILY.  (Also be checking your spam/junk email box as well to be sure you are not missing anything.) We will communicate through email using Mail Chimp as much as possible to keep things simple and efficient.
Website ~ Check the website for updates.
Whiteboard ~ Daily needs and/or instructions are posted on the whiteboard inside the doors as you enter.  PLEASE check that board EVERY morning and EVERY afternoon for updates.  Please do NOT assume your students are reading the board and conveying accurate messages to you.  If you carpool, please make sure the driver is conveying these updates to all the parents of the students they are driving.

Pulling off such a large scale event of such high quality and with such a large number of people is a complicated matter.  Glitches and oversights are certain to happen along the way. If at any time something is not clear, please ask!  It is never our intent to assume you understand. We welcome any input and suggestions you may have as participants to make things run smoothly.  If we all work together with eager and humble hearts, we will exceed our goals and create an awesome drama experience for our students.